Implications for patients with rare medical diseases if the Canadian Government follows through with the patented drug pricing policy review and makes changes to the current policy. Many Canadians who rely on having access to medications for rare diseases will be affected by the changes as it will make the drugs more difficult to obtain for these patients. Canada already lags behind several other countries in accessing these rare medications.
Archive for the ‘Long Term Care’ Category
How young entrepreneurs are building businesses by solving their grandparents’ problems
November 12, 2015
As Canada’s aging population continues to grow at a steady pace, it is becoming the responsibility of the younger generation to try and find appropriate care for their aging parents and grandparents. Young entrepreneurs are developing software applications that will assist in the selection of facility care and home care providers.
How does a person reinvent themselves?
June 30, 2015
Ken Dychtwald raises some interesting questions on the reality of extended life expectancy.
Golden years aren’t a time to retire your talents
October 15, 2014
A perspective on some of the unexpected risks to retirement highlighting the need to have a plan for that stage of life.
Advice to seniors: Be a little bit selfish
June 18, 2014
A good article about the importance of planning ahead and testing your financial system for something like a Long Term Care need.