Your Brain at Work by David Rock

February 27, 2014

Category: Joe's Reading List

In Joe’s words, “This book has had a profound effect on my thinking, perhaps as much as any book that I have read in many years”.

Drawing upon interviews with thirty leading neuroscientists from all over the world and more than 300 research papers based on thousands of brain and psychological studies conducted in the last 25 years, Your Brain At Work is an extremely valuable resource that helps readers learn about how the human brain works. More importantly, David Rock focuses on creating and implementing practical strategies from these findings that will help you overcome distractions, become more focused, and work more effectively. With increasing distractions and information overload, this book is a must-read for the 21st century working professional.

Written like a drama, Your Brain At Work follows two central characters (Emily is an executive for a company that runs large conferences and Paul is a freelance IT consultant) as they navigate through various challenges at work and home. Each scene begins with a description of how they handle a challenging situation, followed by related research about the brain that explains their behaviour. Finally, it ends with a “Take 2” that re-imagines the initial scenario with Emily and Paul behaving differently by putting what they’ve learned about the brain into action.